Sunday, October 29, 2006

drink till it's bitter

a really good friend of mine always says: "you only taste the bitterness of beer when you're happy. all other times, it tastes sweet."

it's funny. when you meet up with old friends, you go there whining and bitching about how crappy life is, and you keep drinking because the beer just slides down your throat...

then, a few bottles later, you realize that being with your friends and venting actually makes you feel a lot better. you also notice that you're not drinking as much as you were at the beginning of the night, either.

do you really need to know whether you feel better because you're drunk/buzzing or because being around your friends really makes you feel better? isn't it true that the beer start tasting bitter towards the end of the night? :)

la lang...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

free time... or the lack of it

in my family, being a bum means, "dakilang utusan".

over the past few weeks, i have acted as a substitute parent to my siblings, the personal driver of different members of the family, and everyone's errand/messenger girl.

i'm the only bum i know who has very little free time.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i'm baaaaaack!


the bar's over! yey!

i actually have free time.

hmmm... maybe too much free time....

honestly, i feel like my brain cells have been flushed down the toilet.